School of Computing
College of CEC
University of North Florida

1 UNF Drive
Bldg 15, Rm 2204
Jacksonville, FL 32224

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12/2024 Dr. Liu served as a panelist on Digital Health & AI panel at Intl Healthcare Symposium 2024.
09/2024 Three papers accepted by IEEE ICMLA 2024.
07/2024 One book chapter accepted by Deep Learning Applications.
05/2024 Dr. Liu gave an invited talk at SEAMD Conference, Museum of Contemporary Art, Jacksonville.
03/2024 Three papers accepted by FLAIRS-24.
07/2023 Dr. Liu had a TV interview with News4JAX about AI-generated images. Watch full video here.
07/2023 Dr. Liu talked about AI-generated images as a guest for the Morning Show at News4JAX. Watch full interview here.
07/2023 One full paper accepted by BCB-23. (Full paper acceptance ratio: 29%)
04/2023 MS student, Conrad Testagrose, successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations to Conrad!
03/2023 Two full papers and one poster abstract accepted by FLAIRS-23. Congrats to MS student Conrad and Mehlam, and alumnus Lucas!
03/2023 One poster accepted by CHASE-23.
03/2023 Dr. Liu will serve as Local Organization Chair for ICMLA-23.
10/2022 One full paper accepted by DLB2H-22. (Acceptance ratio:50%) Congrats to MS student Conrad!
09/2022 One full paper accepted by ICMLA-22. (Acceptance ratio: 32.4%)
04/2022 MS student, Lucas Welch, successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations to Lucas!
03/2021 One paper accepted to ICMLA-21.
07/2021 One paper accepted to ADT-21.
03/2021 One paper accepted to FLAIRS-34.
11/2020 Two student papers accepted to AAAI-21. (Acceptance rate: 49%) Congratualtions to Joseph and Lucas!
04/2020 One paper accepted to IJCAI-20. (Acceptance rate: 12.6%)
01/2020 One paper accepted to FLAIRS-33.
01/2020 MS student Aneesh Gandavarapu joins AILab@UNF. Welcome!
10/2019 Dr. Xudong Liu gave a talk on Algorithms and Computational Complexity of Aggregating LP-trees at ADT-19, at the FUQUA School of Business, Duke University.
10/2019 Dr. Yongqiao Wang gave a talk on "Probability Calibration with Restricted Polynomial Regression" at UNF.
09/2019 Dr. Yongqiao Wang joins AILab@UNF as a Visiting Scholar. Welcome!
08/2019 MS students Joseph Allen, Brian Sharp, and Lucas Welch join AILab@UNF. Welcome!
07/2019 One journal article published in Springer's Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (SCI, IF:1.011).
06/2019 One journal article published in Elsevier's Sustainable Cities and Society (IF:4.624).
06/2019 One paper accepted to ADT-19.
05/2019 MS graduate, Ahmed Moussa, joins Amazon as a software engineer. Congratulations!
01/2019 Three papers accepted to FLAIRS-32.

About UNF Artificial Intelligence Lab

UNF Artificial Intelligence Lab (AILab@UNF) is a research group dedicated to solving interesting and important problems in fields such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, and bioinformatics.